Agronomy Insights

Take 4R to the Next Level

The canola industry has a goal to see 4R Nutrient Stewardship practices used on 90 per cent of canola acres by 2025. Farmers following 4R use the right source of fertilizer at the right rate, right time and right place to get more from each tonne of fertilizer. This nutrient use efficiency improves economics and...
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Canola 4R Advantage gives incentives for 4R

Canola 4R Advantage is a voluntary program that supports farmers in initiating or advancing 4R Nutrient Stewardship practices to make the most efficient use of fertilizers in canola production. Through Canola 4R Advantage, canola farmers can apply for funding to help pay for these best management practices (BMPs) focused on nitrogen management: Soil testing. Soil...
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Agronomy Insights

Choose the best canola seed traits for each field

Canola Council of Canada (CCC) would like to see more farmers make canola seed decisions based on the best traits for each field. CCC agronomy specialists encourage growers to know the blackleg and clubroot scenario in each field and use that to select an appropriate source of resistance. Farms can also rotate herbicide tolerance (HT)...
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Agronomy Insights

A Better Flea Beetle Management Plan

Agronomy Insights - Tips and tools from the Canola Council of Canada agronomy team

Flea beetles are one of the most prominent pests for canola, and were particularly harmful this year with the warm and dry spring, which disadvantaged the crop and encouraged flea beetle development. This article looks back at 2021 and provides some management tips for 2022.

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Pheromone found for trapping canola flower midge

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
KEY RESULT: Researchers identified a sex pheromone used by female canola flower midge. The sex pheromone can be produced synthetically and is highly attractive to males in the field. This identification will facilitate development of a pheromone-based monitoring system for C. brassicola. PROJECT TITLE, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: “Development of a pheromone-based monitoring system for a newly...
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