Continue the Momentum on Carbon Sequestration

All people of the world have a responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This includes farmers. The good news is that Canadian farmers have already made a great start
All people of the world have a responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This includes farmers. The good news is that Canadian farmers have already made a great start
In 2021, CCC agronomy specialists tracked the same canola cultivar grown at various locations across the Prairies to measure environment-driven differences in crop phenology. Results showed a few notable trends.
The tool provides a quick read on dozens of plant characteristics, making it handy for research. University of Alberta plant scientist Linda Gorim is using MultispeQ in a project to identify canola lines with the greatest photosynthetic capacity.
Canola Digest asks its six farmer panelists: What trends in agriculture and food get you excited and what trends make you a little nervous?
Farmers are not alone in the quest for sustainability. All businesses are looking for ways to keep going in the face of change. This article talks to PepsiCo’s Steven James, cookbook author Claire Tansey and Canadian Centre for Food Integrity CEO John Jamieson to see what sustainability
means to them, and how this relates to canola growers.