Canola Digest 2016 Science Issue

Investigation into pod drop and pod retention resistance

Key result: Seed losses at harvest can be significant. This study provides insight into pod drop and the factors impacting it. The pod retention measurement method developed and validated in this study can be used in future studies. Results from this study also suggest that pod retention is a heritable trait and could be exploited by...
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Fungal endophyte could improve canola yield

Key Result: Fertilizer applications are a significant cost to growers and unpredictable environmental temperatures and precipitation events can make it tough to predict the proper fertilization regimes. This study investigates an alternative solution for canola growers: the potential benefit of endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica on canola growth and yield. Results from the controlled-environment experiment look...
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Assessing current soil-test based fertilizer recommendations

Key Result: Soil-test-based fertilizer applications can be a sustainable and economical technique to optimize crop production and profit margin, but aren’t always used due to questions of effectiveness. This study found that soil test recommendations are fairly accurate and provide good information to growers in both direct seeding and conventional tillage systems. Project title, Principal...
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