
Your Keep it Clean! crop calendar

From deciding what to grow, to crop protection, to harvest and storage, the choices you make along the way can make a big difference. Help maintain Canada’s reputation as a supplier of high quality canola by following the Keep it Clean! best practices throughout the year.

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Canadian farmers support modern agriculture at U.N. events

The Canadian Canola Growers Association works to ensure farmers and modern agriculture practices are recognized as a solution to global challenges such as food security and ending hunger. CCGA representatives shared their views at recent United Nations events in Rome.

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Business Management

Does it still make sense to incorporate a farm?

Changes to the income tax rules have made it harder to benefit from the small business tax rates within a corporation, but incorporation can still have significant benefits over a sole proprietorship or partnership for many Canadian farms.

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The Editor's Desk

Wilderness tips

In his book 1491, Charles C. Mann wrote about the Americas before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. The book includes insights too numerous to mention in this small space, but I’ll focus on one insight most relevant to Canadian agriculture and the goal of many farmers: Indigenous people knew how to greatly enhance...
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Alberta Bulletin

Alberta Canola’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place during the FarmTech Conference. There is no charge to attend the AGM, and registration to FarmTech is not required to attend the AGM. AGM agenda includes: A review of the activities, audited financial statements and budget for Alberta Canola. Voting on resolutions. Resolutions to be presented at...
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