Integrated Pest Management

Genome analysis of 45 clubroot isolates leads way for ID tests

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
Clubroot continues to spread, but improved monitoring and methodologies allow for more pathotype characterization to better identify, quantify and eventually manage clubroot-causing pathotypes going forward. “Canadian canola clubroot cluster pillar 4: Surveillance and pathotype monitoring” Stephen Strelkov, University of Alberta Alberta Canola To find the full report, go to the Canola Research Hub at
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Integrated Pest Management

Predatory nematodes provide biocontrol option for canola pests

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
Although impact varied among species, predatory nematodes belonging to the Steinernema genus provided significant mortality of diamondback moth, lygus bug, cabbage root maggots and black cutworms. “Biocontrol potential of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) against selected key insect pests of canola in Alberta” Shabeg Briar and Paul Tiege, Olds College Alberta Canola Crop losses and the economic...
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Integrated Pest Management

Sign up to help the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
The Prairie Pest Monitoring Network (PPMN) provides forecasts, risk maps and monitoring protocols for crop pest insects across Western Canada. It also provides a free weekly update during the growing season. Anyone can subscribe at “Coordinated monitoring of field crop insect pests in the Prairie Ecosystem” Meghan Vankosky, AAFC Saskatoon SaskCanola, Manitoba Canola Growers,...
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Integrated Pest Management

Uniformity of sprayer deposition needs improvement

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
The range in on-target spray deposition volume across the width of sprayers was unexpectedly large for this study. With each sprayer pass, some targets only received one third of the intended dose while others received triple the intended dose. “Characterizing turbulent spray deposition from self-propelled sprayers” Tom Wolf, Agrimetrix SaskCanola, Alberta Canola To find the...
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Canola lines with corn genes yield more, have stronger stems

Science Edition: Genetics
CRISPR technology was used to generate a range of starch branching enzyme (SBE) mutants in canola. Sbe quadruple and sextuple mutants were used for expressing maize endosperm SBEI and effects on growth, morphology, flowering and yield determined. Introduction of corn SBEI into quadruple mutants (four canola genes edited) repeatedly led to increased total seed yield...
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