Canola Digest 2016 Science Issue
Research Briefs

Growing Forward 2 Updates

The federal government’s $15 million investment in canola research through Growing Forward 2 (GF2) combined with the canola industry’s $5 million contribution is funding 23 research projects for five years. Some of those are complete and featured in the first half of this magazine. Here are short descriptions and progress reports for the 11 ongoing agronomy projects.

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Research Briefs

Grower-funded research projects

Canola growers across the Prairies fund dozens of research projects with their levy payments to Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and Manitoba Canola Growers Association. Many of those projects are funded through their joint Canola Agronomic Research Program (CARP), which has been going for almost 30 years. Other projects are funded through arrangements with other organizations listed in these summaries. Here are short descriptions and updates for ongoing projects directly funded by provincial canola grower organizations. See below for a glossary of all abbreviations.

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Research Briefs

Disease management tools for blackleg and sclerotinia

Researchers across western Canada are working towards developing new tools to help producers manage two serious diseases in canola – blackleg and sclerotinia stem rot. This project, led by SaskCanola, partners with the Alberta Canola and the Federal Government under Growing Forward 2 (GF2). This Agri-Science Project, which is still in progress, has multiple activities focused on new discoveries and solutions for managing these diseases.

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Economize on fungicide through rapid detection of sclerotinia

Key Result: Sclerotinia stem rot, caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is commonly managed by routine application of fungicides, typically without any indication of disease risk. Through this study, a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)-based assay was developed to measure S. sclerotiorum DNA in canola petals, enabling rapid and accurate estimates of infestation levels when timely fungicide...
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