I am in my chair looking at the table in our living room when what did I notice? Square pegs in round holes! We all know that a ‘square peg in a round hole’ is a person who doesn’t fit into a role or social expectation. A misfit. Yet, here is a table with square...
Read MoreAlberta Canola’s 30th Annual General Meeting was held January 28 during the FarmTech Conference in Edmonton. Following the meeting, John Guelly of Westlock was re-elected as chair, and Kevin Serfas of Turin was re-elected vice-chair. Dan Doll Region 1 Director Fairview, AB 780-835-8418 dan@albertacanola.com Andre Harpe Region 2 Director Valhalla Centre, AB 780-814-0964 andre@albertacanola.com Denis...
Read MoreIn early January, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and SaskCanola released an updated version of the Saskatchewan Clubroot Distribution Map, which includes the results from the 2019 provincial clubroot survey and any rural municipalities with confirmed cases of clubroot reported outside the survey. In Saskatchewan, clubroot is a declared pest and it has been regulated...
Read MoreEach year the Manitoba Canola Growers recognize an individual who has made a contribution to the growth of the canola industry with the Canola Award of Excellence. Don Flaten, professor in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Manitoba, was recognized with the 2020 Canola Award of Excellence at the CropConnect Banquet in...
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The Canadian canola industry’s Keep It Coming strategic plan, which set the goal of achieving an average yield of 52 bu./ac. to meet global market demand of 26 million tonnes by 2025, is at the halfway point.
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