
Store it, but don’t forget it

After escaping all the yield loss traps in the field, there is one more obstacle to overcome before delivering canola to the elevator: storage. Grain mismanaged in a bin can result in disappointing losses. Paying attention to the moisture and temperature of the grain as well as outdoors is critical to management. Canola storage was...
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Aim for uniform stands

Key practice: Uniform stands, with the same number of plants per square foot across the field and with plants at the same growth stage, are proven to increase yields. Key research: Angadi, S.V., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), et al. “Yield Adjustment by Canola Grown at Different Plant Populations under Semiarid Conditions.” Crop Science 43...
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Phosphorus is often under-applied

Key practice: In the seed row is the best time and place for the first 15 to 20 lb./ac. of phosphate — which is the amount most likely to produce an economic return in the year of application. However, this rate is not enough to match crop removal, which may lead to phosphorus shortages over...
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Follow insect thresholds

Key practice: Follow insect thresholds to manage input costs against potential yield response. Conserve and protect natural enemies and beneficial insects by using economic thresholds to determine the need and timing for insecticidal controls. Key research: Bracken, G.K. and Bucher, G.E. “An Estimate of the Relation Between Density of Bertha Armyworm and Yield Loss on...
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Research Briefs

Research briefs: Growing Forward 2 projects

The federal government’s $15 million investment in canola research through Growing Forward 2 combined with the canola industry’s contribution of $5 million is funding 23 research projects for five years. Here are short descriptions and early progress reports for agronomy projects on that list, organized into the four strategic plan categories. Final results are still a few years away.

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