
Agriculture piggybacks on RNA biomedical research

Mark Belmonte gives a speech at a podium, the presentation is titled RNA: a new frontier for agriculture.

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is like the workhorse of genetics, taking code from deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and using that code to construct proteins – the building blocks of life. RNA activity is a hot topic in science, including for human health and agriculture.

University of Manitoba researcher Mark Belmonte spoke at the conference. He and his U of M colleague Steve Whyard have uncovered new ways to protect canola from flea beetles and sclerotinia stem rot through RNA interference (RNAi).

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Agronomy Insights

New ways to assess sclerotinia risk

New research, sensors and tools make it easier to assess the key risk factors for sclerotinia stem rot: canopy moisture levels and presence of sufficient spores. Also look for the Canola Council of Canada’s new Sclerotinia Risk Assessment Tool at canolacalculator.ca.

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