Agronomy Insights

Agronomy tips from the Canola Watch webinars

A few samples: “What’s right for your farm isn’t the same as what’s right for your neighbour’s farm” and “Just because you believe something about clubroot or blackleg today might not necessarily be true two years or five years from now” and “If you only have a few insects, you can actually have a boost in yield.”

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Canola Research Hub

What did we learn from the Lygus Apocalypse?

AAFC research scientists Héctor Cárcamo uses the term “Lygus Apocalypse” to describe the scene in some Alberta fields in 2021. The experience with this insect provided a good test for management recommendations. Héctor Cárcamo titled his Alberta Agronomy Update 2022 presentation “What did we learn from the lygus apocalypse?” To answer his own question, the...
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Canola Research Hub

What is the “right place” for fertilizer?

Equipment upgrades, new technologies and knowledge from decades of research have aided in the improvements and evolution of application practices. Considering current nitrogen and phosphorus-containing fertilizer application options, what are the best fertilizer placement options for canola in Western Canada?

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