Biocontrol organisms reduce cutworms in canola
The Canola Research Hub recently highlighted three research studies that investigated nematodes, parasitoids and other insect pest predators that impact cutworms in canola. These biocontrol organisms may be currently providing pest management assistance or could provide optional biocontrol in the coming years.
Surveillance and strategies to manage HR weeds
Recent research projects give us an update on the state of herbicide-resistant weeds on the Prairies, and provide tips for effective prevention and management. Outside agronomic expertise may help with a practical integrated weed management plan.
Canola Encyclopedia: Top 10 Hits for 2022
Clicks and searches are good indicators of interest. The Canola Encyclopedia at is the complete guide to growing canola in Canada, and this article has the top 10 most popular Canola Encyclopedia pages for 2022.
Canola Research Hub has over 200 science summaries
The Hub provides the science behind current best management practices. Explore over 200 plant establishment, genetics, nutrient, harvest management and integrated pest management projects at