
Pest number one becomes number one-er

Hungry hoards of tiny flea beetles are part of the brassica crop landscape. Damage the past few years, particularly for the Eastern Prairies, is beyond normal and has farmers looking at lower action thresholds, later seeding dates and steps to improve the efficacy of insecticide sprays.

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Business Management

Which risk management programs are right for your farm?

What are the potential risks to your projected income, and what farm insurance programs can mitigate them? MNP’s interactive Ag Risk Management Projector (ARMP) can help farmers answer those questions by providing them insight into the costs and benefits of numerous insurance risk management programs, and how to tailor them for their specific operations. “Forecasting...
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Agronomy Insights

Tile drainage – a foundational investment

Canola Council of Canada agronomy specialist Jason Casselman is digging into tile drainage as a land improvement option for farms in Western Canada. The $1,000 to $1,400 per acre investment works for many decades to improve productivity, especially in land where ponding and crop drown-outs are common.

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Canola Research Hub

Surveillance and strategies to manage HR weeds

Recent research projects give us an update on the state of herbicide-resistant weeds on the Prairies, and provide tips for effective prevention and management. Outside agronomic expertise may help with a practical integrated weed management plan.

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