What is the “right place” for fertilizer?
January 2022—
Equipment upgrades, new technologies and knowledge from decades of research have aided in the improvements and evolution of application practices. Considering current nitrogen and phosphorus-containing fertilizer application options, what are the best fertilizer placement options for canola in Western Canada?
Canola Research Top Ten:Projects on the Research Hub
Science Edition 2021—
Since its launch in January 2021, the Canola Research Hub has added over 50 projects to its research library and 18 blog posts on various agronomic topics. This article lists the top 10 most-clicked research reports on the Hub website
Risk factors for canola storage
November 2021—
Storage may be a relatively static and controlled operation, but it still involves understanding the equipment, layout and logistics unique to each farm, and managing risk to maintain seed quality until canola is delivered.
Maximize Water and Nutrient Use Efficiency
September 2021—
Findings from two meta-analyses could influence preparations this fall for 2022, specifically to do with stubble height, nitrogen choices and fertilizer application timing.