
Herbicide-tolerant canola lowers herbicide use, tillage

Science Edition 2018—

One of the greatest challenges in growing canola is competition from weeds. As Brookes and Barfoot reported in 2017, herbicide-tolerant canola varieties have allowed farmers in Canada to reduce the amount of herbicide they use by 20 per cent since 1996.

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A Saskatchewan soil sustainability story

Science Edition 2018—The Canadian Prairies in the 1980s was a dry and windy place to be. Farmers, government and researchers all recognized the critical importance of protecting the most valuable resource required for growing crops. In 1987, the Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association (SSCA) was established to encourage soil conservation. The Save Our Soils program was initiated to...
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2017-18 Alberta Canola Research Numbers

Science Edition 2018—Over the past decades, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the largest government funder of crop research, has provided funding in five-year blocks. This has driven much of the research funding in canola to revolve around this timeframe and it was one of the main reasons the research allocation made by Alberta Canola was larger this...
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Farmer-Funded Research: Investing in research that will maximize net income for canola farmers through sustainable production

Science Edition 2018—Quality, relevant and up-to-date information is key in making decisions that benefit our farms – economically, ecologically and environmentally. Farmer-led and funded research is crucial to making this happen. As public-funded research has declined over the years, it’s more important than ever for grower-funded organizations to step up and fill the void. STAY CONNECTED. Sign...
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Canola rotations and sustainability

Science Edition 2018—Key result: A nine-year AAFC study compares canola in continuous, two-year and three-year rotations and finds that continuous canola costs more and yields less than canola in rotation with other crops. Whole-rotation revenue is similar, but continuous canola is the less sustainable option. Project title, Principal investigators: “Canola Sustainability – Risk Mitigation,” Neil Harker (retired)...
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