Manitoba Bulletin

Manitoba Bulletin

Bold leaders wanted:
Help shape the future of canola

Our vision is bold action for canola farmers.
We are seeking nominations of Manitoba Canola Grower Association (MCGA) members to run for our board of directors in the 2023-24 election.

Join a board of directors that is committed to driving success for Manitoba canola farmers through research, market development, advocacy and outreach.

We welcome diverse perspectives, backgrounds, farm sizes and geographies on our board, and we encourage anyone who is eligible to consider seeking a nomination.

Who is eligible to run for election?
Anyone who is a member of MCGA who is 18 years of age or older and is a resident of Manitoba.

What is the deadline for nominations?
The nomination period opens November 15, 2023 and closes
at 4:30 pm CST on November 30, 2023.

When is the election period?
If an election is required, the vote by preferential ballot will take place online and by paper ballot in December and January. The successful candidates will be confirmed at our Annual General Meeting in February 2024.

For more information about eligibility, benefits of becoming a director, director job description details or to download a nomination package, call the office (204) 982-2122 or visit

A director’s view:
Why should you join the MCGA board?

Jackie Dudgeon:

If you want to feel seen, heard and part of a community, you want to be a part of MCGA. It doesn’t matter your age, gender or race, you are part of a fantastic team and the truest people are working to make a difference for Manitoba farmers.

Everyone has something to learn and everyone has something to teach. It is a fantastic feeling and rewarding experience.

Pam Bailey:
Vice President

For me, the greatest value of becoming a director with MCGA is knowing that what we do as directors is helping farmers – in their fields, in their business and in their lives. Being part of MCGA also allows me to stay current with what is happening in the industry.

We have a say in policy and what happens with our farmers’ dollars. If you’re looking to gain experience or make a difference, if you’re eager to witness a change in commodity leadership, or if you’re part of a farm and curious about how policy works and its impacts on your farm, please consider putting your name forward for election.

Warren Ellis:

You should join the MCGA’s board of directors to offer a different, but positive point of view to help build the canola industry for the benefit of Manitoba farmers. By joining you also ensure that farmers continue to represent farmers.

This industry does not run itself; farmer input is critical. Directors learn how a professional organization is run, and gain valuable knowledge around better agronomic and crop management techniques for their own farms.

On-Farm Research Trials

The Canola On-Farm Research Program started in 2022 to study each production decision a canola farmer must make at field-scale in Manitoba, and provide data to help with this decision-making. Three types of field-scale trials were conducted in 2023: nitrogen rate, seeding rate and seed-placed fertilizer trials. MCGA works with research contractors to implement the nitrogen rate and seeding rate as replicated trials and seed-placed fertilizer trials in a non-replicated survey-style.

Why are these on-farm trials important?

The replicated design, number of site years, and multiple locations allows for increased statistical power in analyzing the results. This means there can be comparison between different treatments because they are not skewed by environmental factors and other variables.

What does each trial study?

Nitrogen Rate Trials (five sites): Are current N rates sufficient for canola production?
>Objective: Identify optimal (N) fertilizer application rates based on return on investment and nitrogen use efficiency.
>Treatments: Standard rate, reduced rate (75 per cent of standard), higher rate (125 per cent of standard)

Seeding Rate Trials (six sites):
Are current seeding rates optimizing canola production?
>Objective: Identify economic and agronomic optimal seeding rates for canola production and environmental factors influencing this relationship.
>Treatments: Standard rate, reduced rate (75 per cent of standard), higher rate (125 per cent of standard)

Seed-Placed Fertilizer Trials
(21 sites): Can and/or when can we increase seed placed fertilizer?
>Objective: Identify optimal seed-placed phosphorus fertilizer application rates based on investment and establishment.
>Treatments: No seed-placed fertilizer, standard seed-placed fertilizer, high seed-placed fertilizer (125 per cent of standard).

Where can I find the results?

Results from 2022 are posted on our website at Results from the 2023 season will be posted mid November and shared though our communication channels.