Provincial canola grower organizations fulfill their mandate to promote canola within Canada with a new National Canola Marketing Program centred around the loveable, everyday character, “Canadian Canola.”

Say hello to “Canadian Canola”

Hello Canola! A new brand campaign introducing Canadians to a lovable character, Canadian Canola, has been launched by Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and Manitoba Canola Growers, through their joint National Canola Marketing Program.

The grower organizations hired FleishmanHillard HighRoad, a strategic communications and public relations agency, to develop the strategy and creative elements for the campaign, which aims to educate Canadians about canola with a message that highlights more than just food.

Canola Eat Well, though still an important message, is to be replaced with the broad-focused Hello Canola campaign that promotes the many uses for canola. From the popcorn you eat at the movies, to the moisturizer you use daily, and even in biofuels being used across the world.

“Canola is highly versatile and has a lot of uses. We want this campaign to reflect that and go beyond just recipes,” says Jennifer Dyck, market development director with Manitoba Canola Growers.

The three Prairies-based grower organizations share in funding and coordinating the campaign. The organizations realized a few years ago that Canadian canola oil promotion needed a refresh, and carefully started planning the new campaign.

“Any good plan takes time,” says Dyck. “To help educate Canadians on the previously under-recognized role canola plays in our everyday lives, we wanted to take our time to develop the strategy and build the base right.”
Hello Canola uses bold colours and personifies canola – to help Canadians connect more closely with a crop that provides so much to Canadians, from products we use every day, to its environmental impact and its contribution to the Canadian economy.

The campaign aims to bring people across the country closer to canola, instilling pride and increasing knowledge and appreciation for the uniquely Canadian crop.

The full Hello Canola campaign will roll out in October with a new website and fun online videos supported by paid media integrations, influencer marketing and earned media relations. However, a soft launch for the campaign began in August with a social media activation that introduced the Canadian Canola character while celebrating the many reasons as to why “every day is canola day.”​

Q&A with Canadian Canola
Hello Canola. Please tell me a little something about you?
Well, I was born and raised right here in Canada and now I’m grown on over 20 million acres! You could say I’m more Canadian than a Mountie and right up there with maple syrup as the quintessential Canadian plant product. I’m the Zamboni-driving, Schitt’s Creek watching, toque-wearing, beaver on skates of the global farming industry.

Where can people find you now?
You can find me at your dinner table every night, I’m worth a big chunk of the economy, have helped create a couple hundred thousand jobs, and I’m in demand all over the world for all sorts of stuff. Like your pet food. Like lipstick. Renewable biodiesel. Oh, hey, ever had Doritos? I’m not bragging, but you’re welcome.

What’s next for you?
I’ve become a bit of an international celebrity, but I’m excited to spend some more time with my fellow Canadians! I’ve got some exciting things coming up, just keep an eye out on Instagram.
@Hello_Canola and