The Hub at has research summaries, videos with researchers and links to tools. The purpose is to share research results to improve production, profitability and sustainability.

Taryn Dickson staffs the Canola Research Hub booth at canolaPALOOZA. Dickson is the resource manager for the Canola Council of Canada’s crop production and innovation team.

Canola Research Hub funded for another 5 years

The Canola Research Hub project has been approved within the new Canola Cluster with five years of funding under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP), AgriScience Program from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. This project will again be carried out by the Canola Council of Canada with continued strong support from Manitoba Canola Growers, SaskCanola and Alberta Canola, who can use this online tool for extension to canola growers.

The Hub is available to everyone at, but it is primarily accessed by canola growers, the canola research community and canola industry members. The accessibility of scientific findings through the Hub’s online library is useful to readers and helps researchers maximize the impact of their studies.

If you haven’t checked the Hub in a while, here are some new things to look for:

  • canolaPALOOZA videos which feature agronomy specialists and industry experts discussing important canola production tips on stand establishment, fertility top dressing, soil compaction, group-2 weed resistance, blackleg management, insect pest management and storage management.
  • Links to the new Combine Optimization Tool and a new Combine Optimization Tool webinar
  • Additional project summaries in the Hub’s Research Summaries library
  • Improved search function for the Hub library
  • The 2018 Canola Digest: Science Edition will soon be posted on the Hub.

Find the Canola Research Hub at

If you aren’t sure how to navigate the Hub, click the  question mark button near the ‘Guided Tour’ title for Hub FAQs.

The overall objective for the next five years of the Hub project is to improve the effectiveness of canola agronomic research dissemination to the targeted audiences. This will be accomplished through continuously improved site content, following best practices in search engine optimization and through promotion of the Research Hub website and initiatives.

As canola agronomic research projects continue to be completed, their reports and findings will continue to build the Hub’s online library. This includes final reports from Growing Forward 2 projects, which wrapped up this past March, and the CCC-administered and grower group-funded Canola Agronomic Research Program (CARP), which approves several projects annually. Summaries from the CAP research projects will also be added into the Hub as they are completed over next several years.

Growers, researchers and any other canola industry members (including post-secondary students) can make use of this free tool. Over the next five years we want to increase the traffic, use and utility of this online tool for as many of those people as possible. There are many more events to promote it at and much more exciting work to be done with Hub in the years to come!

Canola Digest - November 2018