
Use biodiversity to your advantage

Pillar 3: Integrated Pest Management

Biodiversity of habitat across the farm can increase populations of bees and beneficials, which can increase yields and provide a natural check on insect populations. Biodiversity through crop rotations can reduce disease severity and expand management options for weeds.

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Canola and bees: A sweet relationship

Canola is good for bees, and bees are good for canola. Together, they are good for the health of our ecosystem and our economy. The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) and the Canadian Honey Council are working together to maintain this mutually beneficial relationship. The CCC is also a partner in Bees Matter (, an...
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Cut later to increase yield with no extra cost

Pillar 4: Harvest Management

Harvest management steps, including cutting later to realize a canola crop’s full yield potential and taking steps to reduce in-field and storage losses, mean more canola per acre goes to market. It has a big impact on real production per acre.

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Strong genetics key to sustainability

Pillar 5: Genetics

Genetics will drive a large share of the yield gains needed to get to 52 bu./ac. Genetic traits also reduce pesticide use, increase crop tolerance to disease and improve harvest management – all enhancing the sustainability of canola.

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