What does clubroot resistance mean?
Seed with genetic resistance to clubroot is an essential tool in clubroot management.
This article explains clubroot resistance, when to use it and how to protect it.
Seed with genetic resistance to clubroot is an essential tool in clubroot management.
This article explains clubroot resistance, when to use it and how to protect it.
Canola production and acres in China are quite similar to Canada’s. And like Canada, China also has a challenge with clubroot.
The Canola Research Hub at canolaresearch.ca is a user-interactive database
with practical tools that bring grower investment in agronomic research back to the farm. If you like to learn through videos, the Hub has two new video interviews to explain recent research on cabbage seedpod weevil management and fungicides to control blackleg.
Use these steps to establish your farm’s unique fertility plan for 2018. Once your plan is set, work with agronomic advisors and input suppliers to ensure you have the resources available when you need them.
Canadian canola production is very competitive in an international comparison. Since canola acreage has gone up significantly in recent years, it can be assumed that the highest seed costs in the world have not hurt the overall profitability of the crop.