Agronomy Insights

Agronomy tips from the Canola Watch webinars

March 2022—

A few samples: “What’s right for your farm isn’t the same as what’s right for your neighbour’s farm” and “Just because you believe something about clubroot or blackleg today might not necessarily be true two years or five years from now” and “If you only have a few insects, you can actually have a boost in yield.”

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Agronomy Insights

Grower survey identifies big agronomy challenges

January 2022—

In the winter of 2020-21, the Canola Council of Canada surveyed 1,000 canola growers on a wide range of production questions. We discovered a few areas that may require a little extra agronomy attention. Here are three big ones.

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Agronomy Insights

A Better Flea Beetle Management Plan

Agronomy Insights - Tips and tools from the Canola Council of Canada agronomy team

September 2021—

Flea beetles are one of the most prominent pests for canola, and were particularly harmful this year with the warm and dry spring, which disadvantaged the crop and encouraged flea beetle development. This article looks back at 2021 and provides some management tips for 2022.

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Agronomy Insights

Our Agronomy Focus Areas For 2021

March 2021—Each year, we look for new focus areas that ultimately support grower profitability and productivity while also promoting agronomically sound crop rotations, biodiversity and improvements to soil and water use. By balancing all of these objectives, Canadian canola can maintain its strong, established brand and use these achievements to keep and expand its market share....
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