Farmer Panel

50 Years of Growing Brassicas

September 2017—

These four farmers and their families have been involved in canola and rapeseed production for many years. They also have a deeper-than-average connection to the crop’s history in Canada. For more on the 50th anniversary of the Canola Council of Canada and it predecessor, the Rapeseed Association of Canada, visit

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Farmer Panel

Building leaders

A speaker presenting to a conference room full of people

March 2017—

Grower-run boards promote commodities, invest in research, influence policy and provide information to improve farm management. Growers benefit from these boards, but these boards need directors and leaders. These five growers attended canola leadership conferences. What did they learn?

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Farmer Panel

Bending tech

January 2017—

Jesse Hirsh used the phrase “bend tech to suit your needs” in his presentation at CropSphere in 2016. These three farmers share experiences bending new and old technology to improve its utility on their farms.

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Farmer Panel

Farm show season

November 2016—

The canola community offers many opportunities for face-to-face learning through canoLAB, canolaPALOOZA and big joint productions like FarmTech in Edmonton, CropSphere in Saskatoon and CropConnect in Winnipeg. These panelists talk about why they attended specific events and what they learned.

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Farmer Panel

Late cutting

September 2016—

Leaving standing canola until at least 50 per cent seed colour change on the main stem will mean higher yield and quality than cutting earlier. These four growers wait until at least that point and are pleased with the results.

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