
Put only phosphate in the seed row

Science Edition 2014—Key practice: Ensure safe rates of seed-placed fertilizer to improve nutrient-deficient soil conditions without increasing seedling mortality. The safest step is to put only phosphate in the seed row, and all other fertilizer outside the seed row. Key research: Grant, Cynthia, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). “Improving Nutrient Management in Canola and Canola-Based Cropping Systems.”...
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Improve nitrogen use efficiency

Science Edition 2014—Improved nitrogen use efficiency could provide a significant economic gain, given that nitrogen is one of canola growers’ single biggest input costs. “Nutrient use efficiency from fertilizer application is generally less than 50 percent in the year it is applied. Improvements in nutrient use efficiency are therefore critical, both to improve the economics of crop...
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Take care of beneficial insects

Bees and other pollinators are most active when the crop is flowering. Avoid spraying insecticide on flowering canola. If this is unavoidable, apply products to flowering canola after 8:00 p.m. until dusk, or into night, when bees aren’t actively foraging. Follow thresholds when making spray decisions. For more information, go to and search for the article “Bee BMPs.”
Science Edition 2014—Key practice: Use insecticides judiciously and employ strategies that may increase populations of some beneficial insects and reduce mortality of some parasitoids. These strategies include reducing tillage, leaving tall stubble to improve overwinter survival and intercropping. Key research: Dosdall, Lloyd, University of Alberta. “Improved Integrated Crop Management with Beneficial Insects.” Canola Digest Science Edition (2013)....
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Use seed treatment to minimize early disease

Science Edition 2014—Key practice: A registered seed treatment with multiple fungicide active ingredients can minimize the threat of seed and seedling diseases. Seeding early, shallow and with good seed to soil contact for quick emergence also helps prevent early disease infection. Start field scouting 10 to 14 days after seeding. Key research: Hwang, S.F., Alberta Agriculture and...
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Phosphorus is often under-applied

Science Edition 2014—Key practice: In the seed row is the best time and place for the first 15 to 20 lb./ac. of phosphate — which is the amount most likely to produce an economic return in the year of application. However, this rate is not enough to match crop removal, which may lead to phosphorus shortages over...
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