Canola Eat Well

Video celebrates farmers on Agriculture Day

Canada’s Agriculture Day was February 23, and it gave all Canadians a chance to recognize the work our farmers do to provide a reliable supply of healthy, safe food. Canola Eat Well used the day to launch a video on sustainable canola farming.

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Rail line running through a canola field

Read short follow-ups on past Canola Digest articles, including the top yield for the Canola 100 Agri-Prize and a federal rail transportation bill.

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Business Management

Position versus interest

In conflict, each side may have different and even opposite positions, but what is their interest? By asking ‘Why do you hold that position?’ or ‘What do you need?’, sides may find a resolution that benefits the long-term relationship.

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Integrated Pest Management

Details on clubroot infection set stage for better resistance

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
This is one of the first studies to characterize effector proteins with key roles in clubroot infection and disease progression. Results provide a valuable resource for the identification of new clubroot resistance genes. “Genome wide functional analysis of Plasmodiophora brassicae effectors and the management of clubroot disease” Peta Bonham-Smith, University of Saskatchewan SaskCanola, Saskatchewan’s Agriculture...
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Fertilizer Management

Are we measuring the right soil nitrogen pool?

Researchers wanted to see if soil protein, extracted using the ACE/MACE methods, is an appropriate measure of the soil nitrogen that potentially becomes available during the growing season. They found only a weak correlation, and concluded that current soil test recommendations provide an acceptable measure of biologically available nitrogen. “Revisiting nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for Saskatchewan:...
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