
A new gene for blackleg resistance

Science Edition: Genetics
AAFC researchers completed the genetic mapping of blackleg resistance gene Rlm11. Rlm11 is effective against L. maculans isolates carrying the avirulence gene AvrLm11, which is found in 95 per cent of L. maculans isolates collected from Western Canadian canola farms. Canola lines with Rlm11 will enable canola farmers to effectively control the blackleg disease. “Introgression...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Are you interested in becoming involved with a farmer funded, farmer focused organization? We are seeking nominations of MCGA members to run for our Board of Directors in the 2023-24 election. Our vision is bold action for canola farmers. Join a Board of Directors that is committed to driving success for Manitoba canola farmers through...
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Saskatchewan Bulletin

Crop rotation and variety selection are the best profitability and risk management tools available for producers. Selecting varieties that demonstrate high yield potential for your ecological zone is important, but arguably more important is selecting a canola variety with the combination of traits best suited to each individual field on your farm. This likely means...
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Gene editing turns off S genes to improve CR

Science Edition: Genetics
Researchers use a precise CRISPR/Cas9 based genome editing tool to confer clubroot resistance (CR) by introducing site-specific mutations to disrupt, or inactivate, susceptibility (S) genes. “Establishing transgene-free CRISPR/Cas9 based genome editing platform to improve canola resistance against clubroot disease,” Wei Xiao, University of Saskatchewan SaskCanola, Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Development Fund Read the full report in the...
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