Why Jack in the Box uses canola oil
Fast-food chain Jack in the Box switched its frying oil to high-oleic canola oil. Why? And what will keep it that way?
Fast-food chain Jack in the Box switched its frying oil to high-oleic canola oil. Why? And what will keep it that way?
Harvested canola acres have held at around 20 million in Canada over the past four years, producing larger volumes that have served the big four markets and allowed for increased sales into second wave markets such as South Korea and Pakistan.
Cookbook author Raghavan Iyer and healthy-eating advocate Patricia Chuey presented at a Canola Eat Well event in Winnipeg in June. These two food influencers and canola oil ambassadors show why grower investment in Canola Camp and Canola Eat Well is so important to the Canadian canola industry.
Leaving standing canola until at least 50 per cent seed colour change on the main stem will mean higher yield and quality than cutting earlier. These four growers wait until at least that point and are pleased with the results.