Sharing data? Look for companies with ADT certification
Farm Credit Canada is the first Canadian company certified through Ag Data Transparent, a program based on data principles established by the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Farm Credit Canada is the first Canadian company certified through Ag Data Transparent, a program based on data principles established by the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Marketing Canadian canola meal to the American dairy industry takes on a Midwest focus, using on-farm trials in Wisconsin to show how higher usage levels can lead to higher milk yields.
One thing attendees learned at the International Clubroot Workshop last summer in Edmonton is how widespread clubroot has become in brassica-crop-growing areas around the world. This is a follow up article to ‘Global concern, local action’ in the November 2018 Canola Digest.
The major theme at Canola Discovery Forum 2018 was canola crop establishment, with part of the discussion dedicated to seeding rates. The following article will help canola farmers think through the economics behind their target stands and the seeding rates required to achieve them.
Canola Discovery Forum 2018 in Banff included two presentations on the profit-driving diversity that shelterbelts, wetlands, fencelines and pivot corners provide to the farm.