Farmer Panel

What do you want?

November 2023—

Canola Digest asks challenging questions for this panel: What is your long-term vision for agriculture in general? What is your long-term vision for the farm? The six panelists emphasized the importance of family, technology and soil health.

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Farmer Panel

A strong bench

September 2023—

Farmers are experts at a lot of jobs, but not all jobs. Canola Digest asks its six 2023-24 farmer panelists about experts they happily pay to round out the farm’s line up. And if the panelist could add one more expert to fill an empty spot on the bench, what would that person do?

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Farmer Panel

Innovations in action

March 2023—Canola Digest asked its six farmer panelists to describe the best innovation they thought of themselves or recently adopted on the farm. Farmers are innovating or applying innovations all the time, trying to find better ways to solve problems. They may not even realize they’re doing it. Fiona Jochum St. Francois Xavier, Manitoba When Fiona...
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Farmer Panel

What do you do with data?

January 2023—Data, data everywhere but not a way to use it. That may be how farms feel when they consider combine yield maps, thumb drives, computer spreadsheets, notebooks (paper and phone) and wonder how to make better use of it all. Canola Digest asked its six panelists, how do you put your data to work? Melissa...
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Farmer Panel

Market Signals

November 2022—Our farmer panelists share their approaches to canola marketing: What signals and fundamentals do they watch for, how do they get market information, and whose advice do they follow? Melissa Damiani Bluffton, Alberta Melissa Damiani is honest about her marketing skills: “I have my strengths and passions when it comes to farming, but marketing is...
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