Saskatchewan Bulletin

Farmers are invited to provide feedback to both Commissions through online survey. The Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission (SaskCanola) and Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission (SaskFlax) are considering amalgamation, which would see SaskCanola assume the mandate of SaskFlax for flax seed and straw, including research, advocacy, market development investments, and accompanying communications. As of January 2023, SaskCanola...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Flea beetle management strategies Verticillium stripe management [NEW] Optimizing fertility management in canola Improving yield stability in environmental extremes Managing acres to improve soil health The overall goal is to increase canola yield potential and stability in Manitoba conditions through genetic and agronomic solutions. Research priorities to help achieve this goal are: Protect canola yields...
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Agronomy Insights

How to identify verticillium stripe

The canola disease verticillium stripe is found across the Prairies and is already at yield-damaging levels in Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan. This article provides tips to accurate diagnosis this fall.

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Investing in research at the early pre-breeding or germplasm-enhancement stage provides the foundational pieces that complement commercial hybrid seed breeding programs and the ultimate release of new traits and hybrids. SaskCanola strategically invests in canola research, including several upstream projects in germplasm enhancement and trait development. “Our pre-breeding research and innovation strategy encompasses germplasm enhancement,...
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Saskatchewan Bulletin

In 2016, SaskCanola launched the 30-minute documentary License to Farm, to highlight the facts behind common misconceptions about agriculture production in Canada. The goal of this  documentary is to inspire producers to engage in more conversations about food, build trust with their urban neighbours, and protect their social license to farm. Since the film launched,...
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