Business Management

Domination Over Inflation

Canada’s farmers say that unpredictability of the sector is their number one cause of stress. The good news is, there are ways to reduce this uncertainty, even when it seems like everything is outside of one’s control.

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Manitoba Bulletin

Bold leaders wanted: Help shape the future of canola Our vision is bold action for canola farmers. We are seeking nominations of Manitoba Canola Grower Association (MCGA) members to run for our board of directors in the 2023-24 election. Join a board of directors that is committed to driving success for Manitoba canola farmers through...
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Toronto food influencers Bake With Canola

The three Prairie-based canola grower organizations invest in personal, high-quality and hands-on canola oil promotion events in Ontario – with the goal to improve canola oil’s share of Canada’s biggest market.

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Saskatchewan Bulletin

Optimum canola crop yield is directly related to vegetative ground cover, according to research by the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Manitoba. The study indicates that seeding rate and row spacing are key factors in maximizing vegetative ground cover which in turn maximizes the solar energy plants need for seed growth. “Think of...
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Saskatchewan Bulletin

Saskatchewan farmers grow field crops – including canola – in one of the harshest climates for farming in the world. Our growing season is short, our winters are (very) cold, our summers are hot, and there is often too much or too little rain. After decades of farming in these conditions, Saskatchewan growers have become...
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