
Follow insect thresholds

Key practice: Follow insect thresholds to manage input costs against potential yield response. Conserve and protect natural enemies and beneficial insects by using economic thresholds to determine the need and timing for insecticidal controls. Key research: Bracken, G.K. and Bucher, G.E. “An Estimate of the Relation Between Density of Bertha Armyworm and Yield Loss on...
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Business Management

Make more time for marketing

Gavin Harrison, a fifth-generation Manitoba farmer, and Bruce Warkentin, a financial advisor from Alberta, explore how a cash advance can benefit farmers’ marketing and financial strategies.

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Vegetable oil and oilseeds outlook

World vegetable oil demand continued to rise sharply in 2016, but production declined for the first time in more than 30 years, creating a production deficit and steep reduction of stocks. While the tight supply situation continues to support prices of all vegetable oils, don’t expect prices to rise much further as world supplies are recovering.

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Business Management

You’re Hired? How to Employ, Retain Farm Employees

Do you need more help on the farm? Before hiring anyone, accurately describe the help needed and make sure the job posting is clear on expectations. Get familiar with the required paperwork, and study a few tips on employee satisfaction and retention.

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Canola Eat Well

Have you ever wondered how we get canola oil from the seeds?

Canola seed arrives fresh from the farm to the crushing facility. The canola seed is sifted to remove any plant bits or weed seeds that came along for the ride. The seed is heated just enough to soften and machine-roll with precision, aka flaked, into just the right thickness to crush open the seed coat...
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