Agronomy Insights

Two years to pay off optical spot spray system

This case study describes how one farm uses optical spot spraying technology. Name: Carl deConinck Smith Location: Fiske, Saskatchewan Soil zone: Brown Crops: Canola, peas, lentils, wheat, barley, durum and flax “With our system, we average a quarter litre of glyphosate over the whole field, but put up to 1.25 litres per acre on each...
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Farmer Panel

Innovations in action

Canola Digest asked its six farmer panelists to describe the best innovation they thought of themselves or recently adopted on the farm. Farmers are innovating or applying innovations all the time, trying to find better ways to solve problems. They may not even realize they’re doing it. Fiona Jochum St. Francois Xavier, Manitoba When Fiona...
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Canola in Ottawa

Canola advocacy month by month

Advocacy teams for the Canola Council of Canada and Canadian Canola Growers Association work together to represent the interests of canola farmers and the canola industry value chain in Ottawa. Here is a look back on some of the advocacy priorities and milestones from both organizations in 2022.

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Canola Research Hub

Biocontrol organisms reduce cutworms in canola

The Canola Research Hub recently highlighted three research studies that investigated nematodes, parasitoids and other insect pest predators that impact cutworms in canola. These biocontrol organisms may be currently providing pest management assistance or could provide optional biocontrol in the coming years.

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