Plant Establishment

Faster ground cover can improve yields

Canola crops that achieve vegetative ground cover more quickly tend to have higher yields. Seeding rate and row width contribute to faster ground cover. “How does in-row seed spacing and spatial pattern affect canola yield?” Steven Shirtliffe, University of Saskatchewan SaskCanola Read the full report in the Research section at When it comes to...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Canola a key ingredient in body care products When Adriana De Luca launched her line of all-natural body products in 1999, she did it armed with the soap-making skills she learned from her Nonna. Today, Tiber River Naturals, with nearly 400 home-based consultants, 60 employees and legions of raving fans across the country, continues to...
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Canola meal a viable protein supplement for beef cattle

The study showed that canola meal, a high-quality protein source, may be more economically favourable than distillers’ grains when used as a feed supplement for beef cattle. “Comparing the protein source and frequency of supplementation of forage intake, competitive feeding interactions, and nutrient utilization for beef cattle fed low-quality forages” Gregory Penner, University of Saskatchewan...
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Business Management

Carbon farming: The way of the future?

Agriculture can be a major part of the solution to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In this article, Farm Management Canada provides a snapshot of carbon farming – using agriculture practices to capture carbon – and questions that require answers before it becomes common practice.

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