Integrated Pest Management

Uniformity of sprayer deposition needs improvement

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
The range in on-target spray deposition volume across the width of sprayers was unexpectedly large for this study. With each sprayer pass, some targets only received one third of the intended dose while others received triple the intended dose. “Characterizing turbulent spray deposition from self-propelled sprayers” Tom Wolf, Agrimetrix SaskCanola, Alberta Canola To find the...
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Alberta Bulletin

Thank you to the hardworking FarmTech committee for putting together yet another great event. We enjoy working with our fellow crop commissions to offer this dynamic event to our producers. From weather to agronomy to management to nutrition information, the diversity of information presented was vast and everyone walked away having learned many new things....
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Farmer Panel

Bending tech

Jesse Hirsh used the phrase “bend tech to suit your needs” in his presentation at CropSphere in 2016. These three farmers share experiences bending new and old technology to improve its utility on their farms.

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Canola Eat Well

School fundraiser promotes vegetables, canola oil

The Canola Eat Well program, supported by canola farmer organizations in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, partners in a successful school fundraiser that sells vegetables and provides a recipe booklet showing how to prepare the vegetables using canola oil.

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