
2017-18 Alberta Canola Research Numbers

Over the past decades, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the largest government funder of crop research, has provided funding in five-year blocks. This has driven much of the research funding in canola to revolve around this timeframe and it was one of the main reasons the research allocation made by Alberta Canola was larger this...
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Business Management

Marketing strategy starts here

Futures can be high or low and basis can be wide or narrow. That means the market is always in one of four situations – high futures, wide basis being one example. Here are marketing approaches for each situation.

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Alberta Bulletin

The 31st Annual General Meeting of the Alberta Canola Producers Commission was held online on January 26, 2021. Following the Annual General Meeting, the board elected Kevin Serfas from Turin as the new chair, and Roger Chevraux of Killam as the new vice chair. Alberta Canola is pleased to welcome a new director to the...
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Alberta Bulletin

Roger Chevraux; Chair Ian Chitwood; Vice-Chair Charles Simoneau; Incoming Region 3 Director The 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Alberta Canola Producers Commission was held online on January 25, 2022. Following the Annual General Meeting, the Board elected Roger Chevraux of Killam as the new Chair, and Ian Chitwood of Airdrie as the new Vice-Chair....
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Alberta Bulletin

In order to ensure the integrity of the voting procedure, growers joining us online will need to register to vote. Growers attending the AGM in-person or online are encouraged to register to vote by January 10 to ensure voting platform access. To register, please visit   Alberta Canola is hosting four Grower Engagement Meetings...
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