
Simple 4R Tips to Improve Profitability

Many canola farmers in Western Canada are already following many of the basic principles of 4R Nutrient Stewardship – they just don’t know it. There are clear economic and environmental benefits to following these practices. This article describes the basic practices and the benefits to 4R Designation.

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The Editor's Desk

Square pegs

I am in my chair looking at the table in our living room when what did I notice? Square pegs in round holes! We all know that a ‘square peg in a round hole’ is a person who doesn’t fit into a role or social expectation. A misfit. Yet, here is a table with square...
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Farmer Panel

What do you grow and why?

Our six panelists list the crops they grow and explain the decision to grow these crops and not other ones. We also asked about any recent changes to their crop list and the motivation behind that change.

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