Farmer Panel

Good ideas

Where do you get your ideas? How do you know an idea is good? How long does it take for you to put a good idea into practice? Our six farmers panelists answer these questions and share examples of recent new ideas they implemented.

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The Editor's Desk

Around corners

Futurist Bob Treadway encourages farmers to pay attention to people and politics and markets and technology so they can “see around the corner” for events or shifts that could dramatically change the business environment. The key, Treadway says, is to see what might be coming and have the business nimble and flexible to adapt. Export...
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Follow the Bushel

Shipping vessel at port

After you deliver canola from a bin on the farm, what are the quality checks, processing steps, transportation modes and packaging requirements as each bushel winds its way to the end user? This article follows the thread from gate to plate, describing each step along the way.

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The Editor's Desk

Change it

The saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” doesn’t work for weeds. People promoting effective weed management have their own expression that is pretty much the exact opposite. Tammy Jones, weed specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, shared the catchphrase for a Canola Watch article back in June. “If something is working, change it.” Jones credited...
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