
Swede midge, clubroot challenge Ontario canola

Ontario Canola Growers Association and Agronomy Advantage organized a day of hands-on learning near Kenilworth. Farmers learned about nitrogen rates and application, seeding rates and various challenges facing the industry.

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Management options for heavy residue

Management options for heavy residue

Retaining crop residue benefits soil health, erosion management and crop health, but it must be managed to enable best seeding practices and crop establishment the following season.

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On-off strategies for canola aeration

On-off strategies for canola aeration

Aeration can sometimes add moisture to grain, not remove it as planned. On-off fan strategies can limit this rewetting, but they do have drawbacks. Constant airflow can be safer and easier – even if the air isn’t drying 100 per cent of the time.


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What we know about straight combining canola

What we know about straight combining canola

Western Canadian researchers and canola growers are building a body of evidence and experience that will help those who want to try straight combining canola. This article describes practices that can reduce the risk.

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