
Stronger canola plastics, enhanced canola fibre and more

The Canola Council of Canada co-hosted Canola Week December 5-7 in Calgary. The program included state-of-the-industry updates, agronomy research and innovations in breeding, production and processing. Here are a few topics that made the Canola Digest editor sit up and take notice.

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Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulations boost canola demand

New regulations support the use of biofuel to reduce the carbon intensity of Canada’s gasoline and diesel supply. This has helped drive the boom in canola processing capacity on the Prairies. Compliance and farmer participation in the market is a streamlined process requiring a few simple steps.

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Agronomy Insights

New ways to assess sclerotinia risk

New research, sensors and tools make it easier to assess the key risk factors for sclerotinia stem rot: canopy moisture levels and presence of sufficient spores. Also look for the Canola Council of Canada’s new Sclerotinia Risk Assessment Tool at canolacalculator.ca.

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New pests on the horizon

As a part of an effort to better prepare for the future, Canola Council of Canada staff recently published a paper looking at the future of pests we already see on the Prairies and pests identified in other canola growing regions around the world.

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