Farmer Panel

Innovations in action

Canola Digest asked its six farmer panelists to describe the best innovation they thought of themselves or recently adopted on the farm. Farmers are innovating or applying innovations all the time, trying to find better ways to solve problems. They may not even realize they’re doing it. Fiona Jochum St. Francois Xavier, Manitoba When Fiona...
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Soil sampling in the big data era

soil sampling

Soil test protocols developed for Western Canada in the 1960s are still used and still relevant, but farmers can collect a lot more data now to further refine recommendations. These are not your father’s soil tests.

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Canola Eat Well

What does the fat chart tell us?

Canola oil is low in saturated fat, high in monounsaturated fat and contains omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid. What does all that really mean for the health of canola oil consumers? And how does that compare to competing oils and fats?

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