
New tools bring new traits faster

Gene editing can make hybrid enhancements faster and more precise, and RNA interference provides a new pathway to refine pest management. Both can improve productivity, profitability and sustainability of canola, but commercial launch of any seed or spray needs to pass as-yet-untested regulations in Canada and in our customer countries.

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Farmer Panel

How do you follow 4R nutrient management?

The principles of Right fertilizer source applied at the Right place, Right time and Right rate – the 4Rs – improve nutrient use efficiency and are a Canola Council of Canada priority. How do these farmer panelists follow 4R on their farms?   Leonard Waldner Lauder, Manitoba Leonard Waldner farms in sandy soils of the...
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Farmer Panel

What do you grow and why?

Our six panelists list the crops they grow and explain the decision to grow these crops and not other ones. We also asked about any recent changes to their crop list and the motivation behind that change.

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On-off strategies for canola aeration

On-off strategies for canola aeration

Aeration can sometimes add moisture to grain, not remove it as planned. On-off fan strategies can limit this rewetting, but they do have drawbacks. Constant airflow can be safer and easier – even if the air isn’t drying 100 per cent of the time.


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