Manitoba Bulletin

Adequate plant nutrition is required for optimal crop production. It’s thanks to research scientists like Dr. Cynthia (Cindy) Grant – former senior research scientist in Soil Fertility Management with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada of the Brandon Research and Development Centre – that soil fertility and crop nutrition best practices have evolved, making crop production more...
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Alberta Bulletin

The 31st Annual General Meeting of the Alberta Canola Producers Commission was held online on January 26, 2021. Following the Annual General Meeting, the board elected Kevin Serfas from Turin as the new chair, and Roger Chevraux of Killam as the new vice chair. Alberta Canola is pleased to welcome a new director to the...
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Nasty weeds get an R rating

Weeds are turning. Herbicide resistance built up slowly and has finally hit a critical point where observation must become action. We need to turn down the R-rating on weeds – more Mister Rogers and less Larry Flynt. This article explains how.

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Investing in research at the early pre-breeding or germplasm-enhancement stage provides the foundational pieces that complement commercial hybrid seed breeding programs and the ultimate release of new traits and hybrids. SaskCanola strategically invests in canola research, including several upstream projects in germplasm enhancement and trait development. “Our pre-breeding research and innovation strategy encompasses germplasm enhancement,...
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Fix or set aside unprofitable acres?

Should farmers make a substantial investment to fix their unprofitable acres? Or cut farm losses and set them aside? The Canola Discovery Forum had a session on this topic, with two presentations on fixes and one on setting acres aside.

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