
Juncea versus napus

Evaluation of Adaptability and Ecological Performance of Brassica juncea Canola in Diverse Growing Environments

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Canola needs sulphur fertilizer

Canola growers can experience substantial decreases in yield due to sulphur deficiency. The abstract to the Grant, Malhi and Karamanos review cited above begins with this: “(Canola) has a high concentration of sulphur in its tissue and seed and a particularly high demand for sulphur relative to its yield potential. Therefore, effective sulphur management is...
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Harvest prep starts in the spring

Studies have found that lower harvest losses in canola are associated with higher yield potential, especially when straight combining. This could be attributed to the additional strategies high-yielding growers carry out earlier in the season, such as seeding early, early weed control and frequent field scouting.
Key practice: Reducing harvest losses starts with strong crop establishment, adequate fertilization, early weed control and frequent scouting. Key research: Liu, C., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), et al. “Evaluation of On-Farm Crop Management Decisions on Canola Productivity.” Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2014). Watson, P.R., Alberta Research Council, et al. “Canola Harvest Management Study.”...
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