The Editor's Desk

On Caring

It dawned on me recently that I had a warped view of “connection to the land”. I thought most people would feel a strong family connection to their farm. But really, most land a farmer owns or rents these days does not have a strong connection to family history. And lots of farm families are...
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EC cannot help make VR strategies more consistent

Key Result: While soil electrical conductivity (EC) measurement is a strong indicator of soil clay and moisture content, it cannot help to make variable rate (VR) fertilizer programs more consistent. Producers using VR should be prepared to use a specific strategy for each field each year. Project title, Principal investigators: “Understanding soil variability for effective...
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The Editor's Desk

Be curious

When Corteva announced its new name last year, it also unveiled a catchy set of simply-worded core values. One of them is ‘Be curious’ with the tag line: We innovate relentlessly. We accelerate our pace of innovation to create solutions that will deliver abundant high-quality food, now and for the future. They had me at...
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Long-term no-till improves early N availability

Key Practice: With longer periods under no-till management, soil organic matter may attain a new equilibrium level, and nitrogen (N) mineralization may increase. This can result in lower N requirements. Project Title, Lead researcher: “Quantifying the economic and soil quality benefits of long-term no-till using a canola-spring wheat rotation,” 2012-14, Christiane Catellier and Chris Holzapfel,...
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Study shows how quantitative resistance to blackleg works

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
KEY RESULT: Quantitative resistance to blackleg can work to reduce disease severity even when the major resistance gene is no longer effective. The mechanism for QR, at least in the one variety tested, is possibly through programmed cell death (PCD) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) to cut off the growth of L. maculans. PROJECT TITLE,...
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