Integrated Pest Management

Seed treatments protect susceptible cultivars from blackleg

Fluopyram, Saltro and Bion seed treatments look promising against early blackleg infection, however none of these seed treatments has shown significant additional efficacy on any of the resistant canola cultivars tested under field conditions. “Exploring novel seed-treatment options to mitigate the impact of blackleg on canola,” Gary Peng, AAFC Saskatoon SaskCanola Peng G, Liu X,...
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Canola Eat Well

Video celebrates farmers on Agriculture Day

Canada’s Agriculture Day was February 23, and it gave all Canadians a chance to recognize the work our farmers do to provide a reliable supply of healthy, safe food. Canola Eat Well used the day to launch a video on sustainable canola farming.

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Canola Research Hub

Better estimate emergence this spring to hit your target plant population

Canola seeding rates may require adjusting under certain conditions to optimize plant populations and maximize yields, according to research. Seeding rates may need to be increased when seeding at a later seeding date, when high average temperatures or low precipitation are observed before seeding, or expected after seeding.

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Aim for uniform stands

Key practice: Uniform stands, with the same number of plants per square foot across the field and with plants at the same growth stage, are proven to increase yields. Key research: Angadi, S.V., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), et al. “Yield Adjustment by Canola Grown at Different Plant Populations under Semiarid Conditions.” Crop Science 43...
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