Canola Research Hub

What is the “right place” for fertilizer?

Equipment upgrades, new technologies and knowledge from decades of research have aided in the improvements and evolution of application practices. Considering current nitrogen and phosphorus-containing fertilizer application options, what are the best fertilizer placement options for canola in Western Canada?

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Alberta Bulletin

February 22 or 23 (choose one) | Lakeland College, Vermilion canoLAB is a hands-on, interactive diagnostic workshop with live plants and insects. Participants are divided into groups of 20 and will take part in eight 45-minute sessions. Instructors will be among Western Canada’s top researchers and extension people. CCA and Pesticide Applicator credits will be...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Manitoba Canola Growers is dedicated to working with a variety of partners to amplify the voice of farmers through a strong community that works together to promote agriculture, farmers, and Canadian ingredients. Back in action, the Farm to School Fundraiser will deliver Manitoba vegetables into homes through the profitable fundraiser offered to schools and licensed...
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Integrated Pest Management

Updated lygus threshold of 2-3 per sweep

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
Key result: This study validates a new threshold for lygus in canola. The general pattern is that abundances below two lygus per sweep do not reduce yield. Thus, the threshold of two to three lygus per sweep (20-30 per 10 sweeps) is recommended. Because current canola cultivars appear to tolerate lygus damage better than older...
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Integrated Pest Management

Diverse weed management can protect herbicide efficacy

Science Edition: Integrated Pest Management
Key result: Effective herbicides remain a critical part of integrated weed management. Steps taken now to increase diversity in the management strategy, while herbicides are still effective, is crucial to maintaining control of weed populations in the long term. Herbicide resistance is increasing in Western Canada and around the world. While herbicides are still mostly...
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