
Advances in genetic resources for breeding hairy canola

Science Edition: Genetics
This research on hairy canola (to deter flea beetle feeding) will provide canola breeders with B. napus lines that produce hairs, as well as genetic markers to allow this trait to be introduced into canola varieties. “Genetic resources for flea beetle resistance in canola,” Dwayne Hegedus, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Saskatoon AgriScience Program (Canola Cluster)...
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The Editor's Desk

Hopper Days

Grasshoppers are eating everything in sight. Let’s party! That was the conclusion of community leaders in my home town of Hartney, Manitoba in 1987. I was a teenager on the farm in the 1980s. The decade started with high interest rates and farm foreclosures and ended with dry conditions and grasshoppers. “It wasn’t much fun,”...
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Canola 4R Advantage gives incentives for 4R

Canola 4R Advantage is a voluntary program that supports farmers in initiating or advancing 4R Nutrient Stewardship practices to make the most efficient use of fertilizers in canola production. Through Canola 4R Advantage, canola farmers can apply for funding to help pay for these best management practices (BMPs) focused on nitrogen management: Soil testing. Soil...
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5 Steps to Better...

Clubroot management

Keep clubroot spore counts down and you can avoid major yield loss from the disease. In this article, CCC agronomy specialist Dan Orchard describes five proven steps that can prevent clubroot from taking hold in a field or, if it does take hold, from rising to yield-damaging levels.

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