Business Management

Tips to reduce harvest stress

Don’t want to relive harvest 2019? Farmers can take various management steps to reduce financial and market risk no matter what storms are howling outside their bedroom window.

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SaskCanola’s research vision

Why is research critical to Canadian growers? Think of how far canola has come since 1991 when SaskCanola was formed and all the innovations that you have adopted on your farm. This includes major resistance genes to diseases that had the potential to wipe out canola production, herbicide tolerance traits, fertilizer recommendations, crop rotations, agronomic...
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Manitoba Bulletin

Congratulations to this year’s winners! We wish you all the best as you pursue your chosen careers. MCGA awards scholarships supporting post-secondary education Each year, Manitoba Canola Growers Association (MCGA) proudly presents five $1,000 scholarships to students who are graduating from grade 12. To qualify, they need to live on, work for, or have guardians...
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