
Watch For These Potential New Pests

With over 20 million acres of canola, a warming climate and practices that increase selection pressure, new pests are inevitable. Canola growers, pest specialists and agronomists are on the watch for swede midge, pollen beetle, verticillium stripe and group-9-resistant wild oats.

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Temperature check on carbon policies

Alberta Canola provided carbon policy updates through 2021 in a series of articles called “Temperature Check”. With this article, the Temperature Check author shares highlights on existing programs and provides an update on the upcoming Federal Greenhouse Gas Offset System.

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Top practices and the research behind them

The Canola Encyclopedia at canolaencyclopedia.ca has a fresh new look, but the canola best management practices (BMPs) described throughout are – as always – based on research. This article provides a quick glance at the science behind some of the fundamental canola agronomy practices.

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Agronomy Insights

Agronomy tips from the Canola Watch webinars

A few samples: “What’s right for your farm isn’t the same as what’s right for your neighbour’s farm” and “Just because you believe something about clubroot or blackleg today might not necessarily be true two years or five years from now” and “If you only have a few insects, you can actually have a boost in yield.”

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