
Good canola establishment with narrow-row planter

Science Edition: Stand Establishment
KEY RESULT: For this study conducted in southern Alberta on irrigated and dryland plots, the precision planter with 12″ spacing increased seedling emergence and plant stand density compared to the conventional air drill and precision planter with 20″ spacing — as long as seeding rates were higher than 20 seeds/m2. PROJECT TITLE, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: “Developing...
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Alberta Bulletin

The Alberta Canola Producers Commission is seeking four canola growers to serve as directors on the board of directors for a three-year term. This year, directors are needed in regions 3, 6, 9 and 12. Alberta Canola divides Alberta into 12 regions, with each region electing a producer director to represent the canola growers within...
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Top dress if deficiencies are likely

Key practice: In Western Canada where the growing season is short, the ideal practice is to apply all fertilizer at the time of seeding. However, if shortages are expected or crops are showing deficiencies, soil-applied applications of nitrogen or sulphur fertilizer after emergence will likely provide an economic benefit. Key research: Guy Lafond, Agriculture and...
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Manitoba Bulletin

When your consumer audience wants to know more about farming and food production, why not connect them to best source of information, our farmers? Canola Eat Well did just that by inviting over 100 dieticians and home economists as well as 10 farmers out to Kelburn farm for the evening to Learn. Create. Eat. Learn....
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2017-18 Alberta Canola Research Numbers

Over the past decades, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the largest government funder of crop research, has provided funding in five-year blocks. This has driven much of the research funding in canola to revolve around this timeframe and it was one of the main reasons the research allocation made by Alberta Canola was larger this...
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