Canola Encyclopedia

Canola Encyclopedia Top Ten: Topics for 2021

The Canola Encyclopedia at canola has science- based management tips for weeds, insects and diseases, and information on everything from plant establishment, nutrient management, harvest loss and storage tips. Click tracking at the Canola Encyclopedia is a good indicator of production issues each year. Here are the top 10 most-clicked encyclopedia pages for 2021.

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How an On-Farm Trial can be like a Vacation

Do the research studies described in this magazine make you want to test a new product or practice on the farm? Similar to the way planning for a vacation can provide emotional benefits even before you leave for it, the benefits of conducting an on-farm trial aren’t limited to the final values after harvest is complete.

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Plant Establishment

Field study compares canola emergence based on wheat residue treatment

Key result: This study compared two choppers and three post-harvest residue treatments of wheat residue and found no significant differences in canola emergence across treatments. However, the researcher still recommends proper residue management for a good canola plant stand. Uneven and poorly distributed residue can lead to challenges, including uneven seed depth the following spring,...
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Plant Establishment

Cultivar the major management factor for canola emergence rate

Key result: Cultivar choice is the most influential factor for canola emergence percentage, this study found. Seeding date also influenced emergence, but this was mainly a function of environmental conditions. All environmental variables influenced emergence, and temperature and heat units were consistently more influential than precipitation and moisture. Studies have shown that seeding speed and...
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